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Edit and view your customers optometric data |
Edit and view your customers optometric data
View a list of ophalmologs visited by your customers
Select an opthalmolog and view for example the provided prescriptions
Access your customers based on a few letters of their names
Select a customer and preview his most useful information, like the history of their optometric data
Search or create customer data from his/her Belgian electronic identity card
Export the description of your customers in a CSV or MS Excel format for mailing purpose
Select a laboratory and manage a list of glasses, frames, lenses, solutions, and miscellanous products it provides
Organize your frames according to their brand
Organize other products into categories
Glass catalogs of some laboratories are predefined for you
For others, create your own catalog with the glasses you need
Define the characteristics of your lenses
Define the characteristics of your frames
Link optometric data to your sales
Print a laboratory worksheet describing the operations required for the corresponding sale
Print INAMI reimbursment forms automatically filled in with corresponding sale data
Perform statistic analyses on you customer, products and sales database
Download the evaluation version of Isil and install it yourself